Members of Swedish Parliament Visit Auja Environmental Center

This blog post was submitted by Chelsea McDaniel, intern at FoEME-Bethlehem The Environment Knows No Borders On May 27th 2011, a delegation of 9 Swedish Parliamentarians visited the Auja Environmental Education Center. They had come to learn first hand about how the lives of Palestinians were being affected by the occupation. Shortly after arriving they […]

Auja Environment Center: A Spring of Youth and Environmental Innovation

This blog post was submitted by Jesse Baltutis, Intern at FoEME-Bethlehem Auja Environment Center, Jordan Valley, May 12, 2011 The promise of sweltering temperatures and an unrelenting sun did not materialize, but the promise of laughter, fun and smiles on the faces of Palestinian youth abounded. With almost 200 children from a variety of schools […]

Israeli and Palestinian youth learn together about what it means to be ‘green’

This blog post was submitted by Netanel Silverman, FoEME Field Staff from Tsur Hadassah On Thursday, April 28th 2011, representatives from three youth communities – Nisui School (West Jerusalem), Tzur Bahar Village (East Jerusalem) and Ein-Karem School (Israel) – visited Netiv Ha-Lamed Heh Kibutz where we spent three days interacting in dialogue and learning together […]

World Water Day 2011 in Palestine

As a part of Friends of the Earth Middle East ‘Good Water Neighbours’ project, on World Water Day, March 22nd 2011, the Palestinian Water Trustees Groups did several activities to raise awareness of this important day in their communities. In Tulkarem (North West Palestine), the water trustee group arranged a full day event including a photo […]

EU Parliament Supports the Rehabilitation of the Lower Jordan River

Building on the support gained from the September 9th, 2010 EU resolution (initiated by leaders of the Group of Socialists and Democrats with strong support from all major parties in the EU Parliament) calling on leaders in the Middle East to address the state of the Jordan River, and which called upon the European Commission […]

FoEME Field Trip Highlights Critical Water Issues in the Palestinian Jordan Valley

On Tuesday, March 23rd, Friends of the Earth Middle East hosted a tour of the Palestinian Jordan Valley for a group of Israeli human rights activists and FoEME field staff. The one-day trip brought the group to several communities in the Jordan Valley where discussions with village representatives, mayors, and families highlighted the issue of […]

Wadi Qelt Jericho, a source of life

This blog post was contributed by Arnoud Keizer, Dutch water engineer and traveler, who visited FoEME’s Neighbors Path in Jericho on his trip to Israel and Palestine.     At the 22nd of February Iyad Njoum invited us, 5 water managers and 1 anthropologist from Holland, to visit the city and surrounding fields of Jericho, which is meant to be […]

Towards A ‘Wetter’ Solution: FoEME Hosts Palestinian Conference on Water Rights

This post was written by Jesse Baltutis, intern at the FoEME’s Bethlehem office. On March 2nd, 2011, WEDO/FoEME hosted a national symposium entitled The First Palestinian Symposium on Water Rights and Access to the Jordan River and Development Needs in the Jordan Valley. This important event brought together participants from academia, government ministries and department, […]

Jordanians, Palestinians and Israelis gather for a regional advocacy meeting

From February 4th to 6th Friends of the Earth Middle East held the largest event so far within the framework of the TAP project (Transboundary Advocacy of Parliamentarians). 47 residents of 24 communities in Jordan, Palestine and Israel came together at the Dead Sea Spa Hotel in Jordan for lectures and discussions regarding regional water […]

A Model Water Agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority

This blog post was contributed by Jessica Marx, intern at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. On November 30, 2010, a regional conference took place in Jerusalem to introduce a new model water agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.  Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) presented a water accord to replace the Joint Water Commission […]