Talks & Tours
Don’t just read about our unique model of environmental peacebuilding and the situation on the ground. Experience it for yourself.

IMMERSIVE virtual reality experiences
The Demise of the Jordan River Site and the 3 Border Site
Developed in partnership with Yale Urban Design Workshop, our world-class virtual reality simulation provides a unique opportunity to visit the Jordan River Valley or the 3 border site as avatars. Students learn how environmental issues have contributed to conflict, and get to be directly involved in searching for solutions.
For more information, please contact:
online tours
Through interactive, video-based experiences and activities, groups get unique access to the Middle East, including exposure to important sites and explanations of their history. A knowledgeable guide leads each lesson and answers questions along the way.
For more information, please contact:

Physical tours
We offer a range of colorful tours in key locations across the region, where we have worked previously or are currently working. All tours can be adapted to meet the unique interests of groups. Tours are usually between 2-6 hours. We do not provide transport.
Options include but are not limited to:
– Jordan River Valley Tour
– Dead Sea Tour
– Gaza Basin / Envelope Tour
– Emek Hefer Tour
– Jericho Area Tour
– Jordan EcoPark Tour
For more information, please contact:

Jordan River Tours for Faith Based groups
We welcome faith based groups that appreciate the religious significance of the holy Jordan River and are eager to learn about its geopolitical importance. By sharing our ‘environmental peacebuilding’ method with you, we will demonstrate how this once mighty river can be revived, and peace can can be advanced, through cooperative efforts on all sides. You can explore out our faith based materials here.
For more information, please contact:

Experts on the EcoPeace team are available to deliver compelling lectures on the realities of environmental peacebuilding, either as standalone lessons or as part of immersive workshops using our interactive tools and experiences.
For more informations, please contact:
3 reasons to invest
Unique, innovative learning opportunities
Academically sound, proven model
Experiential learning at its best