TAP Visit to the Jordan Valley

As a newcomer to this area, the list of water problems in the Jordan Valley seems both long and daunting. Just a few of these include untreated wastewater, frequent water shortages in many of the towns, and the condition of the Jordan River, which has all but run dry.

Dancing for the Lower Jordan River

The weekend of June 24th, FoEME hosted an exciting youth camp with over 40 Jordanian, Israeli, and Palestinian youth in the Jordan River Valley in Israel as part of our “Good Water Neighbors” project.  The youth participated in the Global Water Dance, learned about their shared water resources, witnessed pollution that contaminates their watershed and had […]

FoEME Tour in Silwan

This blog post was submitted by Yuval Ziv, Intern at FoEME-Tel Aviv This blog post describes a tour made by Emek Shaveh in the area of Silwan, a Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem. The tour elaborates questions about the connections between archeology in the area and the effort made by the right wing political association “Elad” […]

Israeli and Palestinian youth learn together about what it means to be ‘green’

This blog post was submitted by Netanel Silverman, FoEME Field Staff from Tsur Hadassah On Thursday, April 28th 2011, representatives from three youth communities – Nisui School (West Jerusalem), Tzur Bahar Village (East Jerusalem) and Ein-Karem School (Israel) – visited Netiv Ha-Lamed Heh Kibutz where we spent three days interacting in dialogue and learning together […]

Shared water problems bring Emek Hefer youth and adults together with their Palestinian and Jordanian neighbors

Uri Salem, Israeli citizen, explains about the water and air pollution that threaten the environment in the area of FoEME’s partner communities Emek Hefer (Isr) and Tulkarem (Pal).  In February he participated in FoEME’s regional advocacy meeting with Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian residents. Israeli students from Emek Hefer describe their meeting with Palestinian students living […]

Jordanians, Palestinians and Israelis gather for a regional advocacy meeting

From February 4th to 6th Friends of the Earth Middle East held the largest event so far within the framework of the TAP project (Transboundary Advocacy of Parliamentarians). 47 residents of 24 communities in Jordan, Palestine and Israel came together at the Dead Sea Spa Hotel in Jordan for lectures and discussions regarding regional water […]

A Model Water Agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority

This blog post was contributed by Jessica Marx, intern at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. On November 30, 2010, a regional conference took place in Jerusalem to introduce a new model water agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.  Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) presented a water accord to replace the Joint Water Commission […]

Water Security in Israel: a joint responsibility of the government and the people

  This blog post was contributed by Efrath Silver and Michael Alexander from FoEME’s Tel Aviv office   On November 22nd 2010, the ‘Lobby for Water Security in Israel’ was launched at the Knesset, attracting parliamentarians, water experts, activists and concerned residents from all over the country. The inauguration of the lobby coincides with the […]