Israeli, Jordanian Women Explore Women’s Economic Initiatives in Israel’s Tamar Region

Jordanian women from Ghor Safi and Fifa and Israeli women from the Tamar Regional Council view a solar cooking demonstration at the Ein Gedi Ecological Garden. Gundi Shachal, FoEME’s field researcher in Ein Gedi, describes a recent cross-border meeting between Jordanian and Israeli women from Good Water Neighbors Communities.  See our flickr page for more […]

GWN Communities Wadi Fuqin and Tzur Hadassah Join to Oppose Separation Barrier

Israeli-Palestinian musical group “Naam” performs at a cross-border meeting between residents of Wadi Fuqin and Tzur Hadassah Netanel Silverman, FoEME’s Israeli Community Coordinator in Tzur Hadassah, reflects on a recent meeting between Good Water Neighbors communities Tzur Hadassah and Wadi Fuqin. On Wednesday 24.2 we met together – the Jewish residents of Tzur Hadassah and […]

Jordan Valley Youth Leaderships Learn about Jordan River Woes

Students from Israel, Jordan, and Palestine tour the Jordan Valley, exploring the site where the Jordan River meets the Sea of Galilee On February 25-27, FoEME gathered 30 young leaders from three schools in the Jordan Valley region (Kings Academy, Madaba Jordan; Terra Sancta, Jericho  Palestine; Geon Hayarden, Beit Shean Israel), to learn about the […]

Dead Sea Factories Request to Increase the Area of Evaporation Pools – A New Record for Corporate Chutzpah? [Hebrew]

An evaporation pond near the Dead Sea.  FoEME is deeply concerned about the Dead Sea Works’ plan to extend the area of the evaporation ponds through the construction of “Pool No. 6.” בעוד ייבושו של ים המלח בקצב מואץ מוכר כגורם לקריסת המערכת האקולוגית של האיזור כולו ומליוני דולרים מושקעים בתוכניות לאומיות ואיזריות לפתרון הבעיה, […]

FoEME’s Youval Arbel Reflects on the Copenhagen Climate Conference

Youval Arbel, FoEME’s Israeli Deputy Director, reflects on his experiences at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. From December 13th to 19th, 2009, I was one of about 40,000 disappointment activists and officials who came all the way to freezing Copenhagen to take part in what should have been the ‘turning point’ in the […]

News Roundup – December 17

A solar panel in Palestine (on the wane, according to this week’s news).  Photo courtesty of Iyad Aburdeineh. Here’s what happened environmentally in Israel, Jordan, and Palestine this week: An interim report published by a Knesset committee of inquiry into Israel’s water crisis slammed the government for not taking enough long-term action to manage the […]

News Update – December 10

With the entire international community gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark to negotiate a new climate treaty, there’s a lot going on this week. Jordan’s Department of Statistics report that the total area planted with grain in the Kingdom has decreasd 34% compared to last year.  Authorities attribute the decline to water scarcity and climate change.  Meanwhile, […]

We Did It! 350 Event Was a Smashing Success!

[rockyou id=154392228&w=426&h=320] Yesterday, on October 24, 2009, over 300 Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians gathered around the Dead Sea, transcending political and geographical boundaries to create an aerial photomontage as part of the largest day of climate activism ever.  Participants, organized by EcoPeace/ Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), joined more than 5,200 communities in […]

Countdown: Day 350 Less Than One Week Away!

Our inaugural post for FoEME’s new blog couldn’t come at a better time!  We are only days away from October 24, the biggest international day of climate action in the history of the world! Over the past few months,‘s network of global activists have been hard at work organizing this truly global campaign.  The […]