Sand Cats
Sand Cats are the only types of felines that are able to survive the arid, hot and dry weather of deserts. They live in the deserts of Mauritania, Jordan, Algeria, Iraq, Israel, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Niger, Egypt and the Western Sahara. Sand Cats are able to endure temperatures ranging from -5 to 52 Celsius through […]
Support for FoEME is US tax-deductible!!
With the end of the fiscal year upon us, you may need to squeeze in your tax-deductible donations before heading off to that New Year’s party…you can make an online donation right now which is US tax-deductible and help start the new year in a green way by helping build FoEME’s three EcoParks!
Haven’t covered your holiday gifts yet? Share The Holiday Spirit With FoEME!!
Share The Holiday Spirit With FoEME!! By giving a FoEME gift to someone you love this holiday season, you can help build FoEME’s three EcoParks! Here’s how it works: You make a US tax-deductible donation through our website→ FoEME sends a handsome gift card by email → FoEME develops its EcoParks in Jordan, Palestine, and […]
Making water conservation a way of life, Part 3: Agricultural Water Demand Management in the Palestinian territories.
This is the third blog of a series of blogs, which explore issues of water demand management in Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian territories, looking at water saving options in the domestic and agricultural sector. This entry about agricultural water demand management in the Palestinian territories was written by Josef Wenninger, FoEME intern at the […]
Auja Environment Center: A Spring of Youth and Environmental Innovation
This blog post was submitted by Jesse Baltutis, Intern at FoEME-Bethlehem Auja Environment Center, Jordan Valley, May 12, 2011 The promise of sweltering temperatures and an unrelenting sun did not materialize, but the promise of laughter, fun and smiles on the faces of Palestinian youth abounded. With almost 200 children from a variety of schools […]
A bicycle ride for the Jordan River
This blog post was contributed by Efrath Silver, intern at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. Today, October 15th, is Blog Action Day 2010, with a special focus on the issue of water. Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. […]
FoEME’s Youval Arbel Reflects on the Copenhagen Climate Conference
Youval Arbel, FoEME’s Israeli Deputy Director, reflects on his experiences at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. From December 13th to 19th, 2009, I was one of about 40,000 disappointment activists and officials who came all the way to freezing Copenhagen to take part in what should have been the ‘turning point’ in the […]
Climate Change in Palestine
Citing concerns over food and water security, President Obama recently drew the link between climate change and security in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. In an area where tensions over scarce resources are already high, the impacts of climate change could exacerbate existing political strife. So it’s no surprise that Israel, Palestine, and Jordan […]
News Update – December 10
With the entire international community gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark to negotiate a new climate treaty, there’s a lot going on this week. Jordan’s Department of Statistics report that the total area planted with grain in the Kingdom has decreasd 34% compared to last year. Authorities attribute the decline to water scarcity and climate change. Meanwhile, […]
Jordanian Youth Create Posters, Raise Awareness about Climate Change
With the international climate talks in Copenhagen, Denmark underway, we’d like to take the opportunity to highlight the efforts of more than 100 Jordanian youngsters who used their creativity to help stop catastrophic climate change. This past month FoEME’s Amman office partnered with UNESCO to run poster competition to increase awareness about the impact of […]