Exploring Energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine: Part 2
This is the second blog in a series of three, which explore issues of energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. This entry was written by Shannon McGowan, FoEME intern at the Amman Office and studies International Environmental Policy at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Jordan faces multiple challenges within the energy sector, including […]
Members of Swedish Parliament Visit Auja Environmental Center
This blog post was submitted by Chelsea McDaniel, intern at FoEME-Bethlehem The Environment Knows No Borders On May 27th 2011, a delegation of 9 Swedish Parliamentarians visited the Auja Environmental Education Center. They had come to learn first hand about how the lives of Palestinians were being affected by the occupation. Shortly after arriving they […]
FoEME Tour in Silwan
This blog post was submitted by Yuval Ziv, Intern at FoEME-Tel Aviv This blog post describes a tour made by Emek Shaveh in the area of Silwan, a Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem. The tour elaborates questions about the connections between archeology in the area and the effort made by the right wing political association “Elad” […]
French Parliament, AFD and PWA Delegation Visits Auja Eco-Center
This post was submitted by Jesse Baltutis, Intern FoEME-Bethlehem. French Parliamentarians, representatives from Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), a Palestinian Minister, and a host of various NGOs and French and Palestinian civil servants descended upon the FoEME Auja Eco-Center on May 19th, for an informative tour of the center, a discussion on the work FoEME […]
Auja Environment Center: A Spring of Youth and Environmental Innovation
This blog post was submitted by Jesse Baltutis, Intern at FoEME-Bethlehem Auja Environment Center, Jordan Valley, May 12, 2011 The promise of sweltering temperatures and an unrelenting sun did not materialize, but the promise of laughter, fun and smiles on the faces of Palestinian youth abounded. With almost 200 children from a variety of schools […]
EU Parliament Supports the Rehabilitation of the Lower Jordan River
Building on the support gained from the September 9th, 2010 EU resolution (initiated by leaders of the Group of Socialists and Democrats with strong support from all major parties in the EU Parliament) calling on leaders in the Middle East to address the state of the Jordan River, and which called upon the European Commission […]
Eco-tourism workshop promotes cross-border cooperation for creative initiatives
As water becomes increasingly scarce, communities that once depended on agriculture for their income are finding it increasingly difficult to support themselves. Water scarcity in the region, and especially in the occupied Palestinian territories and Jordan, has already had a significant negative impact on communities and individuals, and will only increase with time. In an […]
Choral Music Festival Calls for Rehabilitation of the Jordan River
This blog post was contributed by Jessica Marx, intern at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. From January 14 through 15, EcoPeace/Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) partnered with the “Mi-la” Organization (the Israeli Center for Choirs and Singing Groups) in holding its annual “Around the Kinneret” Choral Music Festival, this year calling for the rehabilitation […]
Between the Med, Dead, and Red: Reflections on “Youth and the Mediterranean Sea” Conference in France
Amy Lipman-Avizohar, FoEME’s CGIS & Education Coordinator in the Tel Aviv office, reflects on her experiences at the 11th meeting about Youth and the Mediterranean Sea in France. At the beginning of October I was proud to represent FoEME as the Israeli education coordinator at the “11th meeting about Youth and the Mediterranean Sea”, organized […]
FoEME’s Eco Center in Auja officially opened
This blog post was contributed by Fadi, who works in FoEME’s Bethlehem office. On the 17th of October 2010, Friends of the Earth Middle East celebrated the first official day for its Al Auja Eco Center. A great celebration marked the opening of the center and coincided with the celebration of ´Jericho 10,000´, the celebration […]