The “Insights into Community Driven Water Demand Management” Symposium
Today, May 28th, 2012, FoEME attended a symposium funded by USAID, Jordan River Foundation, the Royal Scientific Society and Mercy Corps about possibly community based initiatives that can be taken to reduce demand for water in Jordan. At “Insights into Community Driven Water Demand Management,” held at the Sheraton Hotel in Amman, experts discussed possible […]
Signing Ceremony of WEDO/FoEME´s new groundwater project
On May 9th, WEDO/FoEME and local municipalities came together to sign the new Protecting Groundwater project´s Memorandum of Understanding. The ceremony took place in Auja environmental center, north of Jericho. The MoU was signed between WEDO/FoEME and representatives from the participating local communities of Yatta, Baka Sharkia, Auja, Fasayel and Wadi Fukin. Nader al Khatib, WEDO/FoEME´s Palestinian Director, said that […]
Desalination: A Solution to Israel’s Water Woes?
Israel’s water supply is on the verge of a state of emergency. The Israeli government has proposed an increase in desalination as the solution, and has made a plan to greatly expand their desalination program by 2020. However, the human, environmental, and financial costs of this method have not been fully explored. In a recently […]
EU Parliament Supports the Rehabilitation of the Lower Jordan River
Building on the support gained from the September 9th, 2010 EU resolution (initiated by leaders of the Group of Socialists and Democrats with strong support from all major parties in the EU Parliament) calling on leaders in the Middle East to address the state of the Jordan River, and which called upon the European Commission […]