Gardening with Less Water: Xeriscape in Amman
If you and your family were setting out to sea indefinitely on a small ship that would receive limited deliveries of potable water once a week, chances are you wouldn’t plant a garden of hibiscus and bougainvillea on deck. Why not? Because it would be impractical: these ornamental plants guzzle fresh water. They would be […]
Young Global Leaders visit Eco-park and Bakura
October 2011 saw Jordan hosting the World Economic Forum‘s regional summit at the Dead Sea. Taking advantage of this, a group of Young Global Leaders (YGLs) – one of the WEF’s leading communities – partnered with FoEME in organising a ‘Learning Journey’ for YGLs to learn more about regional environmental peacebuilding efforts. Such ‘Learning Journeys’ […]
Jordan River Exhibition Opens in Cologne, Germany on September 17th
FoEME is pleased to invite the public to attend our International Jordan River Photography Exhibition opening at St. Michael’s Church in Cologne, Germany on September 17.
Do They Think We Are Idiots? We All Know Dead Sea Works is Destroying the Dead Sea
Over the past few weeks, Dead Sea Works (DSW) has saturated Israeli media outlets with a misinformation campaign in ads, on the Internet, television, newspapers, and billboards all over the country claiming that the “Dead Sea Works brings life to the Dead Sea” when in fact they are directly responsible for its destruction.
Members of Swedish Parliament Visit Auja Environmental Center
This blog post was submitted by Chelsea McDaniel, intern at FoEME-Bethlehem The Environment Knows No Borders On May 27th 2011, a delegation of 9 Swedish Parliamentarians visited the Auja Environmental Education Center. They had come to learn first hand about how the lives of Palestinians were being affected by the occupation. Shortly after arriving they […]
Eco-tourism workshop promotes cross-border cooperation for creative initiatives
As water becomes increasingly scarce, communities that once depended on agriculture for their income are finding it increasingly difficult to support themselves. Water scarcity in the region, and especially in the occupied Palestinian territories and Jordan, has already had a significant negative impact on communities and individuals, and will only increase with time. In an […]
FoEME Field Trip Highlights Critical Water Issues in the Palestinian Jordan Valley
On Tuesday, March 23rd, Friends of the Earth Middle East hosted a tour of the Palestinian Jordan Valley for a group of Israeli human rights activists and FoEME field staff. The one-day trip brought the group to several communities in the Jordan Valley where discussions with village representatives, mayors, and families highlighted the issue of […]
‘World Water Day reminds us of the precious nature of every drop of water’
The UN declared this day World Water Day to remind each and everyone of us of the precious nature of every drop of water. Particularly in Israel and the Middle East we have a strong sense of water scarcity as the region suffers most likely yet another drought year.
Wadi Qelt Jericho, a source of life
This blog post was contributed by Arnoud Keizer, Dutch water engineer and traveler, who visited FoEME’s Neighbors Path in Jericho on his trip to Israel and Palestine. At the 22nd of February Iyad Njoum invited us, 5 water managers and 1 anthropologist from Holland, to visit the city and surrounding fields of Jericho, which is meant to be […]
Towards A ‘Wetter’ Solution: FoEME Hosts Palestinian Conference on Water Rights
This post was written by Jesse Baltutis, intern at the FoEME’s Bethlehem office. On March 2nd, 2011, WEDO/FoEME hosted a national symposium entitled The First Palestinian Symposium on Water Rights and Access to the Jordan River and Development Needs in the Jordan Valley. This important event brought together participants from academia, government ministries and department, […]