The FoEME approach to joint management of shared water: equity, sustainability and efficiency!
Friends of the Earth Middle East has partnered with leading international experts David Brooks and Julie Trottier to develop a new “model” water accord which seeks to address the current unjust distribution of shared water in the region, of which Israel currently takes the largest part. This blog, written by Dr. Brooks, discusses the model’s […]
FoEME at World Water Week
I had 2 “missions” during my short time abroad last week in Stockholm: World Water Week, hosted and organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) takes place each year in Stockholm and has been the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues since 1991. Any – and every – body that is an […]
FoEME Launches International Jordan River Photography Exhibition to Raise Awareness of the Critical State of the River on August 23 in Stockholm, Sweden during World Water Week 2011
Over the next three years, FoEME in partnership with the Global Nature Fund will host a traveling exhibition throughout Europe to help raise awareness of the tragic state of the Lower Jordan River.
Exploring Energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine: Part 3
This is the third blog in a series of three, which explore issues of energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. This entry was written by Chelsea McDaniel, FoEME intern at the Bethlehem Office. Part way through writing this blog, the power suddenly went out in our office—for the second time this week. Power outages haven’t […]
Exploring Energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine: Part 2
This is the second blog in a series of three, which explore issues of energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. This entry was written by Shannon McGowan, FoEME intern at the Amman Office and studies International Environmental Policy at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Jordan faces multiple challenges within the energy sector, including […]
Do They Think We Are Idiots? We All Know Dead Sea Works is Destroying the Dead Sea
Over the past few weeks, Dead Sea Works (DSW) has saturated Israeli media outlets with a misinformation campaign in ads, on the Internet, television, newspapers, and billboards all over the country claiming that the “Dead Sea Works brings life to the Dead Sea” when in fact they are directly responsible for its destruction.
Dancing for the Lower Jordan River
The weekend of June 24th, FoEME hosted an exciting youth camp with over 40 Jordanian, Israeli, and Palestinian youth in the Jordan River Valley in Israel as part of our “Good Water Neighbors” project. The youth participated in the Global Water Dance, learned about their shared water resources, witnessed pollution that contaminates their watershed and had […]
World Environment Day 2011 Reminds Us of the Need for Cooperation to Solve the Planets Environmental Dilemmas
Today, June 5, 2011 is World Environment Day (WED) and all over the planet people and organizations are taking action and spreading awareness about environmental related issues. On this WED, FoEME will reflect on a year of activism and highlight the need for trans boundary cooperation, based on a fair share of water resources to […]
Jordanians, Palestinians and Israelis gather for a regional advocacy meeting
From February 4th to 6th Friends of the Earth Middle East held the largest event so far within the framework of the TAP project (Transboundary Advocacy of Parliamentarians). 47 residents of 24 communities in Jordan, Palestine and Israel came together at the Dead Sea Spa Hotel in Jordan for lectures and discussions regarding regional water […]
A Model Water Agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
This blog post was contributed by Jessica Marx, intern at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. On November 30, 2010, a regional conference took place in Jerusalem to introduce a new model water agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) presented a water accord to replace the Joint Water Commission […]