Reflections of an Intern: A Day at the Sharhabil bin Hassan Eco-park
On the 12th of July, two fellow Jordanian student interns and I traveled with FoEME staff to the Sharhabil bin Hassan Eco-park in the northern part the Jordan Valley. We headed out early in the morning; the sun was luminous against the azure sky. As we traversed the long road to the Ghor, I enjoyed […]
Solar Power in Jordan
In Jordan, gloomy days are rare. The country’s bright and breezy weather is perfect for exploiting solar power. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity through manufactured devices such as solar panels or solar cells to provide a source of clean, renewable energy. Solar power is an alternative to wasteful, damaging, non-renewable energy […]
Cesspits in Jordan Valley
Cesspits are sealed tanks that vary in shapes and sizes and have been used for over 100 years. Cesspits store liquid waste such as wastes from the showers and toilets; which are taken for disposal. Tanks are placed directly underground-because of ground conditions- with one manhole cover announcing their whereabouts. Cesspits should be cleared out […]
What is Permaculture?
From May 31st to June 15th, a permaculture design course was jointly hosted by The Green Platform (a young initiative that aims to raise environmental awareness in Jordan through visual and performing arts, creative campaigns and cultural events) and a local Jordanian NGO. One FoEME staff member had the opportunity to participate in this important […]
“Water does not recognize borders” – Interview with FoEME staff Malek Abulfailat
You already know about our mission. Now it’s time to meet the men and women behind the curtain. This is the first post in a series of interviews of FoEME staff and affiliates. We hope you enjoy getting to know us better! Community work, participation, improving water economy, rehabilitation through strategic planning, as well as […]
All Across the Jordan River: An Interfaith Seminar on the Lower Jordan River
I think of myself more of the pragmatic peacemaking type so when I found a tear coming to my eye after a long day of touring and high-level discussions with one of the most unique groups of people that I have ever spent the day with last week – well, I surprised myself. Last week, […]
A Visit from American University Students
A group of students passionate about the environment visited Friends of the Earth Middle East- Amman this past week to learn about Jordanian environmental issues and challenges. Eighteen students from the University of Minnesota met with FoEME staff to discuss the status of the Lower Jordan River, and to learn about our EcoPark. A Good […]
The “Insights into Community Driven Water Demand Management” Symposium
Today, May 28th, 2012, FoEME attended a symposium funded by USAID, Jordan River Foundation, the Royal Scientific Society and Mercy Corps about possibly community based initiatives that can be taken to reduce demand for water in Jordan. At “Insights into Community Driven Water Demand Management,” held at the Sheraton Hotel in Amman, experts discussed possible […]
Reflections of an American Intern with Friends of the Earth Middle East
I use my cab rides to practice Arabic. After a day or two interning with Friends of the Earth Middle East, I mastered a new Arabic script: a FoEME elevator pitch for cab drivers. Oh, I heard about them on the radio, drivers would respond. I’ve interned with FoEME’s Amman office for the last two […]
זומבה בערבית
This blog post was written by Ayelet Tapiro, Emek Hefer Community Coordinator at FoEME. It is about a youth camp that took place with 30 water trustees from Emek Hefer, Tul Karem and Tabkat Fahal to celebrate World Water Day at the end of March. This youth camp was held as part of our Good Water Neighbors project. חוויות […]