Laying the groundwork for the Jordan Valley Environmental Education Center in Auja

FoEME is working on an exciting new initiative to establish an environmental education center in the Palestinian village of Auja focusing on water resource education, grey water irrigation and a wide range of environmental conservation measures. The center will run education activities for youth and adults from all across the West Bank, providing tools to […]

Members EU Parliament advance support for Jordan River rehabilitation

Brussels, Contributed by Hussam Hussein, former FoEME intern at the Amman office, and Elizabeth Ya’ari, Jordan River Rehabilitation Project Coordinator at FoEME On June 29th at the invitation of the Alliance of the Socialists and Democrats Group, a Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) delegation presented the Jordan River Rehabilitation Project to a full […]

Dutch society warms up to FoEME’s environmental peacemaking activities

In the heart of Amsterdam, surrounded by canals and lush green gardens, a very different picture was painted of what is happening in the Jordan River Valley, a transboundary region in the Middle East. The Jordan River Valley includes land shared by Jordanians, Palestinians and Israelis—all dependent on the same water supply and all living […]

Israeli, Jordanian Women Explore Women’s Economic Initiatives in Israel’s Tamar Region

Jordanian women from Ghor Safi and Fifa and Israeli women from the Tamar Regional Council view a solar cooking demonstration at the Ein Gedi Ecological Garden. Gundi Shachal, FoEME’s field researcher in Ein Gedi, describes a recent cross-border meeting between Jordanian and Israeli women from Good Water Neighbors Communities.  See our flickr page for more […]

Jordan Valley Youth Leaderships Learn about Jordan River Woes

Students from Israel, Jordan, and Palestine tour the Jordan Valley, exploring the site where the Jordan River meets the Sea of Galilee On February 25-27, FoEME gathered 30 young leaders from three schools in the Jordan Valley region (Kings Academy, Madaba Jordan; Terra Sancta, Jericho  Palestine; Geon Hayarden, Beit Shean Israel), to learn about the […]

News Roundup – December 17

A solar panel in Palestine (on the wane, according to this week’s news).  Photo courtesty of Iyad Aburdeineh. Here’s what happened environmentally in Israel, Jordan, and Palestine this week: An interim report published by a Knesset committee of inquiry into Israel’s water crisis slammed the government for not taking enough long-term action to manage the […]

News Update – December 10

With the entire international community gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark to negotiate a new climate treaty, there’s a lot going on this week. Jordan’s Department of Statistics report that the total area planted with grain in the Kingdom has decreasd 34% compared to last year.  Authorities attribute the decline to water scarcity and climate change.  Meanwhile, […]

Jordanian Youth Create Posters, Raise Awareness about Climate Change

With the international climate talks in Copenhagen, Denmark underway, we’d like to take the opportunity to highlight the efforts of more than 100 Jordanian youngsters who used their creativity to help stop catastrophic climate change. This past month FoEME’s Amman office partnered with UNESCO to run poster competition to increase awareness about the impact of […]