TRUST WIN (Women’s Interfaith Network) Reflects on Jordan River Conference
On Nov 10 – 12, I represented the TRUST WIN (Women’s Interfaith Network) at the FoEME – Friends of the Earth Middle East Conference “Rehabilitation of the Jordan River: A Commitment of Faith” held at the Dead Sea in Jordan. Over one hundred Israeli, Palestinian, Jordanian and internationals gathered to learn about and support the rehabilitation of […]
Friends of the Earth Middle East Launches a Faith Based Campaign to Save the Jordan River
November 10, 2013 Amman, Jo – In its efforts to preserve and rehabilitate the Jordan River, Friends of the Earth Middle East “FoEME” launches a Faith based campaign that aims at tying the river’s religious significance to the importance of its environmental preservation.
Water wars in the Middle East
“If many of the wars this century were about oil, those of the next century will be over water,”1 Ismail Serageldin, vice-president of the World Bank at the time, declared to Newsweek in 1995. Alongside the degradation of air quality and soil depletion, water resources’ quantity and quality are already defined as part of these […]
Reflections of an intern
My story with Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) began with a guide book. Coming for some time to Israel, I was willing to meet people and discover organizations that really make a change in this part of the world. Environment and agriculture being my field of interest, I paid particular attention to the […]
The Red-Dead Conduit and its Impacts on the Environment
The proposed Red-Dead Conduit will link the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The project aims to pump water from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Dead Sea. This transmission of vast quantities of water would then be utilized to generate electricity, desalinate water and pump it to populous areas, and deposit the rest of […]
Sealing The Pipes To Save Water In Palestine
To raise awareness about the region’s opportunities to conserve water in Palestine, Israel and Jordan, FoEME is launching campaigns to raise public awareness about important and eco-nomically sensible interventions that can be implemented to save water and increase the water supply to the Jordan River. In Palestine, although most of the population is connected to […]
The Tale of the Jordan Valley: Why We Must Protect the Lower Jordan River and the Dead Sea
Throughout history, the land of Jordan has been renowned for its verdant vegetation and wildlife. Ancient mosaics and stone engravings show pictures of lush fields filled with exotic animals. Known in the Bible as the “land of milk and honey,” the area was also described by more recent historians and travelers as green and abundant […]
Climate Dots by the Dead Sea: May 5th, 2012. Come One, Come All!
What You Need to Know about the Dead Sea The Dead Sea is one of the wonders of the Middle East and the entire world. Its surface is 421 meters below seas level, the lowest point on Earth’s surface. It is shared by Jordan, Israel and Palestine. The Dead Sea is major source of potash and […]
Bakoura: A National Peace Park in the Near Future?
Sunday, April 15th, 2012: The Visit We stood on the edge of the cliff and took it all in. Suited parliamentarians from the Committee of Environment and Health in the Lower House of Parliament, FoEME staff, military members and journalists alike gazed at the view afforded by the blue sky, hazy mountains, and rolling fields. […]
Jordanian Palestinian Media Workshop: Local Water Management and Environmental Education
Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) hosted a workshop at the Marriott Dead Sea Resort and Spa for journalists and media experts from Jordan and Palestine from the 26th to the 28th of March. As the final event in FoEME’s Transboundary Advocacy of Parliamentarians (TAP) project, the workshop was designed to inform journalists about environmental issues in the region and […]