Keeping the Dam Clean
EcoPeace Middle East, the Waterkeeper for the Jordan River, organized a cleanup event at the Ziqlab dam and stream, a tributary of the Jordan River located in the Sheikh Hussein area of the Northern Jordan Valley, with youth from the local community and various other areas in Jordan. The objective of the event was to […]
خطة إقليمية شمولية لإعادة تأهيل حوض نهر الأردن من بحيرة طبريا الى البحر الميت
إطلاق خطة شمولية تعمل على تحويل نهر ملوث و منطقة إقتصادية شديدة الفقر الى نموذج لإعادة تأهيل الأنهر و النمو الإقتصادي و الإستقرار في المنطقة الثلاثاء 9 يونيو 2015 البحر الميت، الأردن اختتم في العاشر من يونيو المؤتمر الإقليمي لإعادة تأهيل حوض نهر الأردن و الذي انعقد تحت رعاية معالي وزير المياه و الري الدكتور […]
مذكرة تفاهم حصيلة مؤتمر شيكاغو و رئيس بلدية دير علا يعقب
اختتمت في شيكاغو أواخر شهر نيسان فعاليات مؤتمر “المياه ما بعد الحدود” و الذي تم انعقاده بالتعاون مع جريت ليكس و سينت لورنس سيسترز إنشياتيف و إيكوبيس الشرق الأوسط و هي جمعية بيئية تعمل على إحلال السلام في منطقة الشرق الأوسط من خلال التعاون مع الدول المجاورة في المجال البيئي للمحافظة على المصادر البيئية والطبيعية […]
Celebrating Earth Day Across Borders
Wednesday 22nd of April marked Earth Day, a day that rekindles the commitment people have shown in community activism throughout the year, and broadens support for environmental programmes in the public. Earth Day is celebrated globally by people of all backgrounds, faiths, and nationalities. The week, and in some places even the month surrounding Earth […]
A URI Environmental Network Workshop: A Renewed Hope for the Jordan River
11-15th March, 2015 San Francisco, CA “We, people of diverse religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions throughout the world …. unite to heal and protect the earth … unite in responsible cooperative action to bring the wisdom and values of our religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions to bear on the economic, environmental, political and […]
Seeds of Peace & EcoPeace Youth Water Trustees Join Hands to Save the Jordan River
On the 28th of November, 2014, students from Seeds of Peace joined our Good Water Neighbours Youth Water Trustees in a workshop held at the Sharhabil Bin Hassneh EcoPark. The workshop presented by Liza Kawar, GWN/Youth coordinator aimed at introducing the students to the work of EcoPeace Middle East concerning Environmental Peace-building and included an […]
“Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) Donor Coordination Meeting: Evolving Roles, Responsibilities and Needs in the Jordan Valley”
Representatives from Friends of the Earth Middle East “FoEME” attended a workshop titled “Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) Donor Coordination Meeting: Evolving Roles, Responsibilities and Needs in the Jordan Valley” that took place on Thursday, September 25th 2014. The workshop organized by USAID/ Jordan “Institutional Support and Strengthening Program “ISSP” presented the results of the Jordan […]
In 1845, Lieutenant William Francis Lynch of the United States and Confederate State Navies sailed on behalf of the US Hydrographic Office in an expedition to the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. Later, he wrote a book dubbed “Narrative of the United States’ Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea” where he […]
The 2nd Jordan Valley Triathlon & Duathlon Concluded Successfully
Friends of the Earth Middle East “FoEME” in collaboration with Experience Jordan concluded its 2nd Jordan Valley Triathlon & Duathlon titled “Swim, Cycle, Run to Help Save the Jordan River” on the 29th of March, 2014 at the Sharhabil Bin Hassneh Ecopark.
An Interfaith Jordan River Music Concert in the US
Feb. 23, 2014 The first-ever interfaith concert for the restoration of the Jordan River was held in Brooklyn on February 23, 2014 at the Kane Street Synagogue. The event was one big high. The musicians, spectacular, all got along great, spontaneously joining up with each other. Samer Tabari was super exciting – people were clapping […]