What is more important than bringing a smile to a child’s face? FoEME opens new playground at the Auja Environmental Center

Life hasn’t always been easy for the children of Auja, a small village located in the Palestinian Jordan Valley. Certainly a complicated subject underlined by unemployment, limited resources and few opportunities for leisure and play. When FoEME established our Auja Environmental Center(AEC) we aimed to advance environmental education and awareness on the Jordan Valley’s geology, […]

Young Global Leaders visit Eco-park and Bakura

October 2011 saw Jordan hosting the World Economic Forum‘s regional summit at the Dead Sea. Taking advantage of this, a group of Young Global Leaders (YGLs) – one of the WEF’s leading communities – partnered with FoEME in organising a ‘Learning Journey’ for YGLs to learn more about regional environmental peacebuilding efforts. Such ‘Learning Journeys’ […]

Support the Rehabilitation of the Jordan River with Pictures!

The opening of the Jordan River photography exhibition in the Catholic Church of St. Michael in Cologne, Germany this week began with a mass dedicated to the Jordan River.  The extremely deteriorated state of the holy river was very touchingly remembered in light of the River’s central importance for Christianity, the baptism of Jesus and […]

Al Auja as a Palestinian model for an economically beneficial domestic water campaign

Al Auja village is a particularly tragic example of economic problems caused by severe water shortages in the Palestinian territories as a whole. In order for Al Auja to begin rehabilitation toward the prosperity of its “green” age, there needs to be other initiatives and opportunities for employment that are both economically and environmentally beneficial. […]

From Scarcity to Abundance: Greywater in Palestine

Last week I went with FoEME’s Palestine Director, Nader Khatib, to see the greywater system in his house. When we arrived, nothing about his house seemed out of the ordinary. Like almost all Palestinian homes, there were several large black water storage tanks on top of his roof. This is because in Palestine the water […]

FoEME at World Water Week

I had 2 “missions” during my short time abroad last week in Stockholm: World Water Week, hosted and organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) takes place each year in Stockholm and has been the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues since 1991.  Any – and every – body that is an […]