The Emergence of Dreadful Sinkholes in Areas Surrounding the Dead Sea published a news article under the title “The Emergence of Dreadful Sinkholes in Areas Surrounding Dead Sea -Photos” 19-09-2013 06:45 P Photos published Thursday revealed an increase in the number of large sinkholes on the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea. According to the pictures published by the site the “Dreadful Sinkholes” continue […]

Red-Dead Sea conveyance briefing

Public Briefing: The World Bank Presentation On February 19, 2013 in a beautiful Jerusalem neighborhood overlooking the Old City Walls, the auditorium where the Red Sea-Dead Sea Conduit briefing took place was filled to the brim. The gathering presented an opportunity to review and respond to the World Bank Red Sea-Dead Sea Conveyance Study Program, […]

FoEME’s Reaction to the Downscaling of the Jordan Red Sea Project

Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) is satisfied with recently published news regarding the downscaling of the Jordan Red Sea Project (JRSP), proposed in 2009. As Jordanian Director Munqeth Mehyar states, “they admit that the project is inefficient, and we have always been saying there are better and more sustainable alternatives. There are other […]

The Red-Dead Conduit and its Impacts on the Environment

The proposed Red-Dead Conduit will link the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The project aims to pump water from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Dead Sea. This transmission of vast quantities of water would then be utilized to generate electricity, desalinate water and pump it to populous areas, and deposit the rest of […]

A Biosphere Reserve to protect the Dead Sea unique heritage?

Biosphere Reserves are sites established by countries and recognized under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme to promote sustainable development based on local community efforts and sound science. They are places that seek to reconcile conservation of biological and cultural diversity and economic and social development through partnerships between people and nature, with cooperation […]

Climate Dots by the Dead Sea: May 5th, 2012. Come One, Come All!

What You Need to Know about the Dead Sea The Dead Sea is one of the wonders of the Middle East and the entire world.  Its surface is 421 meters below seas level, the lowest point on Earth’s surface.  It is shared by Jordan, Israel and Palestine.  The Dead Sea is major source of potash and […]

Desalination: A Solution to Israel’s Water Woes?

Israel’s water supply is on the verge of a state of emergency. The Israeli government has proposed an increase in desalination as the solution, and has made a plan to greatly expand their desalination program by 2020. However, the human, environmental, and financial costs of this method have not been fully explored. In a recently […]

Jordanian Palestinian Media Workshop: Local Water Management and Environmental Education

Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) hosted a workshop at the Marriott Dead Sea Resort and Spa for journalists and media experts from Jordan and Palestine from the 26th to the 28th of March.  As the final event in FoEME’s Transboundary Advocacy of Parliamentarians (TAP)  project, the workshop was designed to inform journalists about environmental issues in the region and […]

Sinkholes and the Sinking Level of the Dead Sea

In the past few decades sinkholes have permeated the area around the Dead Sea. The eruption of these large cavities has undeniably become a serious issue of human and environmental safety which is also tied to the fight to stop the Dead Sea’s shrinkage.