Members EU Parliament advance support for Jordan River rehabilitation
Brussels, Contributed by Hussam Hussein, former FoEME intern at the Amman office, and Elizabeth Ya’ari, Jordan River Rehabilitation Project Coordinator at FoEME On June 29th at the invitation of the Alliance of the Socialists and Democrats Group, a Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) delegation presented the Jordan River Rehabilitation Project to a full […]
Dutch society warms up to FoEME’s environmental peacemaking activities
In the heart of Amsterdam, surrounded by canals and lush green gardens, a very different picture was painted of what is happening in the Jordan River Valley, a transboundary region in the Middle East. The Jordan River Valley includes land shared by Jordanians, Palestinians and Israelis—all dependent on the same water supply and all living […]
FoEME Strategy proves successful in addressing Sewage Spill at Beitar Elit
Several years of active involvement by Friends of the Earth Middle East in combating a sewage spill at the Israeli settlement of Beitar Elit finally seem to pay off. The spill, which is caused by failure in the local sewage pumping station, has major consequences for the environment and in particular the downhill fields of […]
Dead Sea Factories Request to Increase the Area of Evaporation Pools – A New Record for Corporate Chutzpah? [Hebrew]
An evaporation pond near the Dead Sea. FoEME is deeply concerned about the Dead Sea Works’ plan to extend the area of the evaporation ponds through the construction of “Pool No. 6.” בעוד ייבושו של ים המלח בקצב מואץ מוכר כגורם לקריסת המערכת האקולוגית של האיזור כולו ומליוני דולרים מושקעים בתוכניות לאומיות ואיזריות לפתרון הבעיה, […]
News Roundup – December 17
A solar panel in Palestine (on the wane, according to this week’s news). Photo courtesty of Iyad Aburdeineh. Here’s what happened environmentally in Israel, Jordan, and Palestine this week: An interim report published by a Knesset committee of inquiry into Israel’s water crisis slammed the government for not taking enough long-term action to manage the […]
Climate Change in Palestine
Citing concerns over food and water security, President Obama recently drew the link between climate change and security in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. In an area where tensions over scarce resources are already high, the impacts of climate change could exacerbate existing political strife. So it’s no surprise that Israel, Palestine, and Jordan […]
News Update – December 10
With the entire international community gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark to negotiate a new climate treaty, there’s a lot going on this week. Jordan’s Department of Statistics report that the total area planted with grain in the Kingdom has decreasd 34% compared to last year. Authorities attribute the decline to water scarcity and climate change. Meanwhile, […]
News Roundup – December 3
International Alert, a peace-building NGO, put out a report called Climate Change, Conflict, and Fragility. The report emphasizes the relationship between water stress and conflict, and recommends “that adaptation strategies should be more conflict sensitive, so that water management in water stressed countries was shaped by understanding the systems of power and equity: involve everyone […]
News Roundup, Nov 26 Edition
One exciting new feature of FoEME’s new blog will be a weekly roundup of news stories related to our work here in Israel, Jordan, and Palestine. Here are a few important headlines for this past week: According to new calculations, the Dead Sea may dry up completely by 2050 (featuring quotes from FoEME’s very own […]