FoEME participates in youth meeting in Greece: Biodiversity Interactive

From February 18th to February 27th, youth delegates from six Mediterranean countries met in the mountainous areas of Greece to talk about biodiversity. Jordan, Israel, France, Italy, Turkey and Greece, all at or close to the Mediterranean Sea, shared their problems and concerns related to biodiversity and discussed solutions. The Greek non-profit organization Mediterranean SOS […]

NIF/Shatil Fellows visit FoEME and tour Tsur Hadassah

This blog post was contributed by Tamar Ariel, NIF/Shatil Fellow at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. On Tuesday February 15th, the six New Israel Fund/Shatil Fellows in Israel and our coordinator Anat Yona had a “site visit” at Friends of the Earth Middle East. Each Fellow works for an Israeli NGO, so this group is already […]

Jordanians, Palestinians and Israelis gather for a regional advocacy meeting

From February 4th to 6th Friends of the Earth Middle East held the largest event so far within the framework of the TAP project (Transboundary Advocacy of Parliamentarians). 47 residents of 24 communities in Jordan, Palestine and Israel came together at the Dead Sea Spa Hotel in Jordan for lectures and discussions regarding regional water […]

Ein Gedi Youth Build Geodesic Dome

[youtube=] This blog post was contributed by Efrath Silver and Jessica Marx, interns at FoEME´s Tel Aviv office. Following the example of the eco-building project at the Sharbabil bin Hassneh Ecopark in Jordan at the beginning of this year, a group of 30 youth gathered last week at the Ecological Garden of Kibbutz Ein Gedi […]

A Model Water Agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority

This blog post was contributed by Jessica Marx, intern at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. On November 30, 2010, a regional conference took place in Jerusalem to introduce a new model water agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.  Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) presented a water accord to replace the Joint Water Commission […]

Water Security in Israel: a joint responsibility of the government and the people

  This blog post was contributed by Efrath Silver and Michael Alexander from FoEME’s Tel Aviv office   On November 22nd 2010, the ‘Lobby for Water Security in Israel’ was launched at the Knesset, attracting parliamentarians, water experts, activists and concerned residents from all over the country. The inauguration of the lobby coincides with the […]

FoEME Hosts Conference in Jordan: One Basin, Conflicting Visions

This blog post was contributed by Jessica Marx and Yedida Wolfe from FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. From November 2, 2010 through November 3, 2010, FoEME hosted the “7th Annual Good Water Neighbors Conference: One Basin, Conflicting Visions” in Amman, Jordan. Over 150 people attended the conference, including representatives of government from Jordan, Israel, and Palestine, […]

A bicycle ride for the Jordan River

    This blog post was contributed by Efrath Silver, intern at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. Today, October 15th, is Blog Action Day 2010, with a special focus on the issue of water. Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. […]

FoEME films Water Trustees in the Jordan Valley

This blog post was contributed by Tamar Ariel, FoEME intern at our Tel Aviv office. On Tuesday September 21, 2010 Friends of Earth Middle East began filming in the Jordan Valley for a short educational movie it is creating about its activities, goals, and successes in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan. Filming will also take place […]