Signing Ceremony of WEDO/FoEME´s new groundwater project
On May 9th, WEDO/FoEME and local municipalities came together to sign the new Protecting Groundwater project´s Memorandum of Understanding. The ceremony took place in Auja environmental center, north of Jericho. The MoU was signed between WEDO/FoEME and representatives from the participating local communities of Yatta, Baka Sharkia, Auja, Fasayel and Wadi Fukin. Nader al Khatib, WEDO/FoEME´s Palestinian Director, said that […]
Come Kiss the Otter at FoEME and Global Nature Fund’s Green Week Booth in Brussels!
From May 22nd to May 25th, FoEME and its partner Global Nature Fund’s efforts to rehabilitate the Lower Jordan River will be spotlighted at the Green Week Conference in Brussels. This year the conference, aptly entitled “Every Drop Counts,” focuses on water; the FoEME and GNF booth will highlight the Lutra lutra, also known as […]
Advancing the Bakoura Jordanian National Park initiative in the Jordanian Parliament
The Health and Environment Committee of the Jordanian Lower House of Parliament held a hearing on Monday, May 14th concerning the proposal of Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) to create a Jordanian National Park at Bakoura. FoEME called for the meeting to discuss the organization’s long-time plans for the area, currently a military-controlled […]
זומבה בערבית
This blog post was written by Ayelet Tapiro, Emek Hefer Community Coordinator at FoEME. It is about a youth camp that took place with 30 water trustees from Emek Hefer, Tul Karem and Tabkat Fahal to celebrate World Water Day at the end of March. This youth camp was held as part of our Good Water Neighbors project. חוויות […]
Climate Dots by the Dead Sea: May 5th, 2012. Come One, Come All!
What You Need to Know about the Dead Sea The Dead Sea is one of the wonders of the Middle East and the entire world. Its surface is 421 meters below seas level, the lowest point on Earth’s surface. It is shared by Jordan, Israel and Palestine. The Dead Sea is major source of potash and […]
Environmental Peace in the Wild Middle East
This post was originally published by Siach on April 2nd, 2012. It was written by Amy Lipman Avizohar, Israeli Education Coordinator at Friends of the Earth Middle East. International Water Day occurs every year on March 22nd. At Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), leading up to this important day, we were working hard on planning youth […]
Bakoura: A National Peace Park in the Near Future?
Sunday, April 15th, 2012: The Visit We stood on the edge of the cliff and took it all in. Suited parliamentarians from the Committee of Environment and Health in the Lower House of Parliament, FoEME staff, military members and journalists alike gazed at the view afforded by the blue sky, hazy mountains, and rolling fields. […]
Jordanian Palestinian Media Workshop: Local Water Management and Environmental Education
Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) hosted a workshop at the Marriott Dead Sea Resort and Spa for journalists and media experts from Jordan and Palestine from the 26th to the 28th of March. As the final event in FoEME’s Transboundary Advocacy of Parliamentarians (TAP) project, the workshop was designed to inform journalists about environmental issues in the region and […]
Making Rivers Meet: A Tour along the Jordan River with Chris Hammer
As part of the recent visit by Australian journalist Chris Hammer, author of The River, a book on the Murray-Darling River, Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) organized tours of both sides of the Lower Jordan River to better acquaint the visiting expert with the river, its environment and political context. The post below […]
Lessons from Australia: Australian Journalist Chris Hammer Visits Lower Jordan River Basin with FoEME
“The Murray-Darling River is confronted with high levels of salinity, its wetland ecosystems are endangered, its water is diverted and used inefficiently, especially in agriculture, and in some years, its waters do not reach the estuary. Does this sound familiar?” This is how Chris Hammer, an Australian journalist with 20 years of experience, author of […]