Success is always a good story to tell: Good Water Neighbors Project (GWN) is one

  Success is always a good story to tell Good Water Neighbors Project (GWN) is a one   Mohammed T. Obidallah Palestinian Good Water Neighbors Project (GWN) Coordinator January 2015 In the heart of the Jordan River Valley, water is not only the lifeblood of expanding societies in an arid region – from the Jordan […]

The Conference on Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley: a Unique Forum for Regional Leaders to Connect amidst Political Divide

The November 10-12, 2014 International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley brought together over one hundred and fifty government officials from Jordan, Palestine and Israel, international diplomatic representatives, international development agency representatives, and basin experts. This regional conference was convened in the weeks surrounding the 20th anniversary of the Israeli-Jordan Peace Treaty, as […]

EcoPeace Receives Declaration from Non-Governmental Organizations Supporting the Rehabilitation of the Jordan River

Nanchang, China During the 14th International Living Lakes conference that took place between Nov. 19th -24th, 2014 EcoPeace Middle East received a Declaration from Non-Governmental Organizations Supporting the Rehabilitation of the Jordan River. The event that was organized by Global Nature Fund, a non-profit, private, independent international foundation for the protection of environment and nature, was attended by […]

Seeds of Peace & EcoPeace Youth Water Trustees Join Hands to Save the Jordan River

On the 28th of November, 2014, students from Seeds of Peace joined our Good Water Neighbours Youth Water Trustees in a workshop held at the Sharhabil Bin Hassneh EcoPark. The workshop presented by Liza Kawar, GWN/Youth coordinator aimed at introducing the students to the work of EcoPeace Middle East concerning Environmental Peace-building and included an […]

His Excellency Saed Abu Hamours Speech during the International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley organized by EcoPeace Middle East

11/11/2014 Dead Sea, Jordan Good Morning I will summarize what happened yesterday from different speakers either organizers or our partners from Palestine and Israel. If you allow me, I will switch to Arabic just to express the words that we understood yesterday. [Translation Begins] Welcome, I hope you had a good stay I will summarize […]

Religion and Volunteerism to Save the Jordan River

“The aim of the United Religious Initiative is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create a culture of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings.” With this noble mission at heart, on the 6 and 7th of November, URI MENA conducted its 12th Annual […]

Under Tension: the Environment Brings Israel-Jordan Closer

The organizers of the Jordan environmental conference that brought together the kingdom, Israel, and the Palestinians have not expected the riots in Jerusalem that darkened the 20 years of peace event. Israelis reassured and the Jordanians stressed: “Everyone is in favor of peace; the problem is the politicians’ Roi Kais, Jordan 14/11/2014 Ynet Difficult days […]

Speech by Engineer Yousef Awayes Director General, International Cooperation & Coordination Unit, Palestinian Water Authority at the International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley.

November 10th, 2014 Good afternoon, I would like to start by sending my personal thanks to Sweden and Swedish representatives here “the ambassador” for recognizing Palestine as State making it a reality after years of being neglected. Ladies and gentlemen It is of my real pleasure to be with you today to discuss a very […]