GEI Event: Cross Border Evening in Tzur Hadassah

On September 3rd, Ecopeace held a large cross-border Green Economy Initiative’s (GEI) event, which took place at a beautiful horse-riding farm in Tzur Hadassah, a community located in central Israel. Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian GEI participants, EcoPeace staff and locals came together to celebrate their achievements and newfound enrichments thanks to the initiative. The event […]

Sinkholes: Nature’s Payback

One might assume that the pictures in this blog were taken in Aleppo or in Beirut during the Lebanese Civil war. They were not. These pictures were taken on August the 23rd, 2015 in Ghor Mazraa, Jordan Valley. What was once part of a thriving agricultural community with well-paved well- lit roads, surrounded by banana fields, […]

The Palestinian Economy: Save the Jordan “River”

A European Union Plan to Rehabilitate the Jordan River is expected to help agriculture and tourism flourish in the region Two weeks ago, EcoPeace, “formerly known as” Friends of the Earth with branches in Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority held in the East of the Dead Sea a conference to present a masterplan for […]

Cross Border Visit to Jericho “Wadi Qelt”

From the 16th to the 17th of June, a Jordanian delegation visited Jericho “Wadi Qelt” under EcoPeace‘s GWN’s Project. “Wadi Qelt, Wadi Sir Forum”. The delegation, comprised of Wadi Sir Head of Directorate along with other Jordanian governmental representatives, met with their Palestinian counterparts to discuss the urgent challenges facing the water sector in the two […]

Cross Border Visit of Wadi Hebron to Beer Sheva

Beer Sheva, Israel 15/6/2015 When unilateral environmental solutions fail, environmental degradation is the norm, grievances of the local communities are exacerbated, and the dire need for cooperation and joint management presents itself as a necessity. A fact reaffirmed to a group of Palestinian and Israeli stakeholders participating in a Cross Border visit of Wadi Hebron […]

The Strategic Importance of Arab Peace Initiative in Ending Arab – Israeli Conflict and Building Peace in the Middle East

The Strategic Importance of Arab Peace Initiative in Ending Arab – Israeli Conflict and Building Peace in the Middle East Amman, Jordan  June, 13th 2015 United Religions Initiative (URI) Jordan, in cooperation with The Center for Democracy & Community Development (CDCD) East-Jerusalem, held an interactive workshop under the theme: “The strategic importance of Arab Peace […]

خطة إقليمية شمولية لإعادة تأهيل حوض نهر الأردن من بحيرة طبريا الى البحر الميت

إطلاق خطة شمولية  تعمل على تحويل نهر ملوث و منطقة إقتصادية شديدة الفقر الى نموذج لإعادة تأهيل الأنهر و النمو الإقتصادي و الإستقرار في المنطقة الثلاثاء 9 يونيو 2015 البحر الميت، الأردن اختتم في العاشر من يونيو المؤتمر الإقليمي لإعادة تأهيل حوض نهر الأردن و الذي انعقد تحت رعاية معالي وزير المياه و الري الدكتور […]

Cross-border GWN trustees alumni activity at the Jordan River

Cross-border activity of GWN water trustees alumni at the Jordan River On May 29th, Good Water Neighbors (GWN) water trustees alumni and EcoPeace Middle East staff from Israel, Palestine, and Jordan came together at the Jordan River baptism site for our cross-border environmental education program. For political reasons, participants are not allowed to cross to the […]

Development of a National Strategy to Improve the Municipal Solid Waste Management of Jordan

On the 26th of May, 2015, EcoPeace Middle East  representative Ms. Nancy Haddaden; Project Manager participated  in  a  conference organized by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs “MoMA” : “Development of a National Strategy to Improve the Municipal Solid Waste Management Sector in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan” . The conference aimed at presenting Possible Options […]