EcoPeace Middle East Statement on the US Peace Proposal
The 25 year experience of EcoPeace is that Israeli/Palestinian peace can only be achieved through dialogue, negotiation and compromise. Unilateral actions will not advance peace. Annexation of the Jordan Valley or other areas of the West Bank will never lead to peace. On the contrary unilateralism through annexation will lead to further instability and tragedy […]
Joint EcoPeace and EPA Workshop on Plastic Mulch and Dumpsite Operation and Safety
Over the past few months EcoPeace Middle East and the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been collaborating on a joint project with the purpose of finding alternatives to agricultural plastic mulch in the Jordan Valley and to improve the operation and safety of a dumpsite in Deir Alla. These collaborations culminated in two publications […]
Deir Alla is Going Green!
The Eastern Jordan Valley is home to over 650,000 people, most of whom are spread out along the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The Deir Alla municipality is an important but extremely underdeveloped community in the valley which is home to around sixty-five thousand people. Like much of the Jordan Valley, Deir Alla suffers […]
Climate March 2019
On the 29th of March 2019, EcoPeace staff participated in the Climate March, the largest environmental event in Israel organized by the municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa and a group of major Israeli environmental organizations. Early in the morning, EcoPeace staff ran a booth in Meir Park to raise awareness about the effects of climate change […]
Ceremony to Honor Individuals that Aided Suffering Refugees
Sheikh Hussien, North Jordan (March 28th, 2019) – The Italian Embassy in Jordan, Gariwo, EcoPeace Middle East and the Governor of the North Shuna Directorate, honored two individuals, a Jordanian and an Italian, who have rescued and aided in reducing the suffering of refugees. The ceremony took place in the Sharhabiel bin Hassnah EcoPark. Major […]
Operating Tal Al Mantah Wastewater Treatment Plant Using the Solar Power, a step towards the Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley
From the 15th to the 16th of January, EcoPeace Jordan hosted representatives from the Global Nature Fund (GNF). The GNF are EcoPeace’s German counterpart in the BMZ and Wilo Foundation funded project to install solar panels at the Tal al Mantah wastewater treatment plant and to create a green filter/constructed wetland at the SHE Park. […]
EcoPeace’s workshop on ‘Water Security and Environmental Peacebuilding’
From the 10th to the 15th of December, EcoPeace hosted a first of its kind workshop on ‘Middle East Water Security and Environmental Peacebuilding’. Participants from all over the world flew to Jordan to partake in an educational exchange of experiences on the topic of sustainable water use and peacebuilding. The workshop took place at […]
Annual Regional Youth Girls Water Trustee Empowerment Camp
I had the great pleasure of attending the Annual Regional Youth Girls Water Trustee Empowerment Camp this weekend from the 2nd of august until the 4th of august 2018. The camp was held in the Sharhabil Bin Hassneh Ecopark and centered around the issue of gender empowerment and environmental friendly behaviour, and was attended by Jordanian, […]
The Annual Regional Female Watershed Forum Training
On the 2nd week of July, EcoPeace held the Annual Regional Female Watershed Forum Training and I had the pleasure to take part as a “reporter”. The event gathered Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli with theme of advancing the role for women in environmental cooperation, shared water and sanitation projects of common concern. Bedouin Women x […]
Cross Border Biodynamic and Sustainable Agriculture Workshop – Jordan and Israel
From June 28-30th Jordanian and Israeli farmers met for a cross-border workshop to learn more about biodynamic agriculture and to discuss some of the common challenges facing farmers in the Jordan Valley on both sides of the border. As a new intern for EcoPeace, this was my first time being in the Jordan Valley and […]