Workshop on Implementing the Arab Peace Initiative at the Jordanian – Palestinian Level

Amman, Jo On Saturday, the 14th of June, 2014 representatives from Friends of the Earth Middle East “FoEME” attended a workshop on implementing the Arab Peace Initiative at the Jordanian- Palestinian level. The event that was organized by United Religious Initiative – MENA, a non-profit organization that aims at encouraging interfaith cooperation and inter-cultural understanding, […]


In 1845, Lieutenant William Francis Lynch of the United States and Confederate State Navies sailed on behalf of the US Hydrographic Office in an expedition to the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. Later, he wrote a book dubbed “Narrative of the United States’ Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea” where he […]

Changing the Course: Conflict Sensitive Project Cycle Management in Palestine

Organised by FoEME and conducted by ForumZFD   On a dry Tuesday in Auja, a small West Bank village outside Jericho, the village’s traffic is doubled by 9 a.m. as cars pull in to the EcoCenter established by Friends of the Earth Middle East in 2010. Convening in the center’s main conference room, Palestinian non-profit […]

International Collaboration for the Rehabilitation of the Jordan River Tour

EcoPeace/Friends of the Earth Middle East organized and led an ambassadors tour to the Jordan Valley on Saturday the 7th of June, 2014. The purpose of the tour was to bring attention to the problems facing the Valley including Solid Waste Management, Sanitation, Agriculture and Farming Practices.  FoEME, in this regard has produced a  regional […]

المؤتمر الدولي لحماية المياه الجوفية

استضاف البحر الميت في 27-29 من شهر أيار المؤتمر الدولي الثاني لبرنامج حماية المياه الجوفية الذي تقوده منظمة أصدقاء الأرض الشرق الأوسط بالتعاون مع مجلس مقاطعة  مالقا و الممول من قبل الإتحاد الأوروبي حضر المؤتمر عدد من المسؤولين من سلطات المياه والبيئة وكذلك رؤساء البلديات وغيرهم من ممثلي المجتمعات المحلية المشاركة  و التي يبلغ عددها […]

“Protecting Ground Water” International Conference

On May 27-29, 2014, the Dead Sea played host to the second international conference of the “Protecting Groundwater” program. The program is led by Friends of the Earth Middle East together with the Malaga County Council, and funded by the European Union.

Faithbased Tours to Rehabilitate the Jordan River, An Ongoing Success

On the 6th of May, 2014 representatives from FoEME led a Muslim tour to the Jordan Valley. The tour is a part of the faithbased campaign launched by FoEME that targets religious leaders from the three Abrahamic faiths to raise awareness to the degradation of the Jordan River and the need  for its rehabilitation.

Popes Visit to the Jordan River

Amman, Jo On the occasion of the first visit of Pope Francis to the Holy Land and Jordan starting on the 24th of May, Friends of the Earth Middle East “FoEME” would like to bring attention to the shared significance of the Jordan River to all faiths in the region, and the need to garner […]

FoEME meets US Congressmen, J Street delegates

  Dead Sea, Jordan Friends of the Earth Middle East, on Friday, May 16th, introduced US congressmen and J Street Delegates, an American Jewish advocacy group that supports a two states solution to bring an end to Palestinian- Israeli conflict, to the complex geopolitical and environmental issues that surround the region’s transboundary environmental resources through […]

The Olympic Truce “Train the Trainer” Workshop

Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) recently hosted 27 youths from around the world for a workshop at the Sharhabil Bin Hassneh EcoPark in Jordan. It was a unique venture for FoEME in many ways. First, while FoEME traditionally focuses on building cooperation between Jordan, Palestine, and Israel, this workshop included young people from India, […]