Water Desalination in the Jordan Valley

In cooperation with IHE Delft, EP started a project entitled “Improving water productivity and livelihood by using recycled wastewater and brackish water in agriculture”

Jordan faces severe water scarcity, with diminishing water resources and increasing pollution threats to both groundwater and surface water. The country’s demand for water has surged, coupled with climate change and the continued influxes of refugees, leading to a significant rise in urban water consumption and consequently agricultural water. To address this challenge, a more efficient and sustainable approach to water usage is essential, particularly in the agricultural sector, which is the largest consumer of water.

The availability of freshwater for agriculture is anticipated to further decline, potentially and replenished by a mixture of blended fresh and treated wastewater. In some areas, these are also missing and agriculture depends on desalination of shallow brackish groundwater. Consequently, the use of reclaimed wastewater and desalinated brackish groundwater as alternative sources needs to follow best practices so they can pose no harm to the environment and societal health

The goal of this project is to enhance water productivity and improve livelihoods in the Jordan Valley by utilizing recycled wastewater and brackish groundwater for agricultural purposes. EcoPeace assessed the sector readiness to use treated wastewater in the north of the Jordan Valley. With other partners in Jordan, pilot practices were implemented. 

Desalination in the South Shouneh showed huge need for improvements. EP and IHE produced informative videos to guide farmers and operators on best practices on desalination processes.

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Jordan Valley Authority (JVA), National Agriculture Research Center (NARC), Al Balqa University (BAU), University of Jordan (UJ).
