Reemergence of Earth Construction

Changing the way we think about mud You can make adobe bricks, use it as a plaster, ram it, or dig into it. For centuries, all around the world, people have been building structures with earth. It is estimated today that about half of the world’s population, on six continents, either lives in or works […]

A $45 Million Investment in Hebron Waste Water Treatment Plant

In a meeting held this Tuesday, May 24 in Jerusalem, World Bank representative Mariam Sherman confirmed the Bank’s intention to support the establishment of the Hebron Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) at the cost of 45 million USD. The construction of the WWTP is expected to start in the beginning of 2012. The World Bank […]

Auja Environment Center: A Spring of Youth and Environmental Innovation

This blog post was submitted by Jesse Baltutis, Intern at FoEME-Bethlehem Auja Environment Center, Jordan Valley, May 12, 2011 The promise of sweltering temperatures and an unrelenting sun did not materialize, but the promise of laughter, fun and smiles on the faces of Palestinian youth abounded. With almost 200 children from a variety of schools […]

‘Food Grows Where Water Flows’

This blog post was submitted by Chelsea McDaniel, intern at the FoEME – Bethlehem office Permaculture On May 4th, about 15 people including local farmers, community members, a university student and FoEME staff, gathered in the Auja Center for Environmental Education and Ecotourism Development, located north of Jericho. We were all there to learn about […]

Eco-tourism workshop promotes cross-border cooperation for creative initiatives

As water becomes increasingly scarce, communities that once depended on agriculture for their income are finding it increasingly difficult to support themselves. Water scarcity in the region, and especially in the occupied Palestinian territories and Jordan, has already had a significant negative impact on communities and individuals, and will only increase with time. In an […]

FoEME Field Trip Highlights Critical Water Issues in the Palestinian Jordan Valley

On Tuesday, March 23rd, Friends of the Earth Middle East hosted a tour of the Palestinian Jordan Valley for a group of Israeli human rights activists and FoEME field staff. The one-day trip brought the group to several communities in the Jordan Valley where discussions with village representatives, mayors, and families highlighted the issue of […]

Wadi Qelt Jericho, a source of life

This blog post was contributed by Arnoud Keizer, Dutch water engineer and traveler, who visited FoEME’s Neighbors Path in Jericho on his trip to Israel and Palestine.     At the 22nd of February Iyad Njoum invited us, 5 water managers and 1 anthropologist from Holland, to visit the city and surrounding fields of Jericho, which is meant to be […]

NIF/Shatil Fellows visit FoEME and tour Tsur Hadassah

This blog post was contributed by Tamar Ariel, NIF/Shatil Fellow at FoEME’s Tel Aviv office. On Tuesday February 15th, the six New Israel Fund/Shatil Fellows in Israel and our coordinator Anat Yona had a “site visit” at Friends of the Earth Middle East. Each Fellow works for an Israeli NGO, so this group is already […]

FoEME’s Eco Center in Auja officially opened

This blog post was contributed by Fadi, who works in FoEME’s Bethlehem office. On the 17th of October 2010, Friends of the Earth Middle East celebrated the first official day for its Al Auja Eco Center. A great celebration marked the opening of the center and coincided with the celebration of ´Jericho 10,000´, the celebration […]