His Excellency Saed Abu Hamours Speech during the International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley organized by EcoPeace Middle East
11/11/2014 Dead Sea, Jordan Good Morning I will summarize what happened yesterday from different speakers either organizers or our partners from Palestine and Israel. If you allow me, I will switch to Arabic just to express the words that we understood yesterday. [Translation Begins] Welcome, I hope you had a good stay I will summarize […]
1st Regional Conference Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector
28-31/10/2014 Athens Greece Ecopeace Middle East representative attended a “1st Regional Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean (UFM) labeled project Governance & Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector & Training on risk and insurance in PPPs for water infrastructure in Athens, Greece. The conference, held in close collaboration with the EU funded Sustainable Water […]
International Collaboration for the Rehabilitation of the Jordan River Tour
EcoPeace/Friends of the Earth Middle East organized and led an ambassadors tour to the Jordan Valley on Saturday the 7th of June, 2014. The purpose of the tour was to bring attention to the problems facing the Valley including Solid Waste Management, Sanitation, Agriculture and Farming Practices. FoEME, in this regard has produced a regional […]