Water wars in the Middle East
“If many of the wars this century were about oil, those of the next century will be over water,”1 Ismail Serageldin, vice-president of the World Bank at the time, declared to Newsweek in 1995. Alongside the degradation of air quality and soil depletion, water resources’ quantity and quality are already defined as part of these […]
My FoEME internship…time to look back
After finishing my master’s degree in Physical Geography and Geoinformatics I was leaving Slovakia aiming to be active in implementing my academic knowledge and to learn more about problems with water management, pollution and treatment in the Middle East.
Different actors concerned for the Palestinian environment at the 3rd EEC Conference
Nowadays, many threats are endangering the environmental heritage of the Middle East, and especially in Palestine. With many projects focusing on protection of the Palestinian environment made impossible by the occupation, the present situation is very grave. There are water disparities and restrictions in accessing natural resources or pollution sources, in addition to air, water […]
The last days of a FoEME research internship
Late August I started my internship position in Friends of the Earth Middle East’s Bethlehem office. Looking back on these past five months with Bethlehem now fully decorated for Christmas, I can’t really grasp the fact that time has passed so fast – I know it is a cliché, but a true one. Without a […]
An international exchange: Kosovar delegation touring FoEME water initiatives
Earlier this year, six Good Water Neighbors (GWN) coordinators traveled to Kosovo as part of a partnership and exchange forged with the Forum of Civic Initiatives (FIQ). Last month we had a chance to host the second part of this exchange here in our region.
Protecting Ground Water study tour in Israel and Palestine: providing deeper insights of the region’s groundwater situation
On October 22nd, FoEME’s Protecting Ground Water project team launched the first day of the Protecting Ground Water Project’s study tour with the participation of a delegation from the Malaga Municipality in Spain, a partner to the project. This study tour follows on the recent FoEME staff to Malaga municipality this year. The purpose of […]
Cross border cooperation over industrial wastewater pollution – a Good Water Neighbors priority initiative
FoEME’s Good Water Neighbors project (GWN) launched one decade ago to raise awareness of the water problems shared by Jordanians, Palestinians, and Israelis.Over the last months, FoEME staff reached out to stakeholders, decision makers and funding bodies to identify the priority projects needing advancement in those communities. This consultation resulted in the development of Priority […]
Environmental Education
Although opinions differ about the existence of global warming, fact remains that human activity has a profound effect on our natural surroundings. These repercussions are potentially irreversible, and widespread. The clearest and most talked about example of such effects is of course the slow destruction of the Ozone layer. Additionally, human life and development have […]
Cross border preservation of terraced landscape – a Good Water Neighbors Priority Initiative
The Mate Yehude Regional Council in Israel and the West Bethlehem villages in Palestine are two partnering communities of FoEME’s Good Water Neighbors project (GWN) launched one decade ago to raise awareness of the water problems shared by Jordanians, Palestinians, and Israelis.Over the last months, FoEME staff reached out to stakeholders, decision makers and funding […]
Good Water Neighbors Project Series Addressing Cross Border Air and Water Pollution from Industry
FoEME’s Good Water Neighbors project (GWN) launched one decade ago to raise awareness of the water problems shared by Palestinians, Jordanians, and Israelis.Over the last months, FoEME staff reached out to stakeholders, decision makers and funding bodies to identify the priority projects needing advancement in those communities. This consultation resulted in the development of Priority […]