FoEME Brings Largest Delegation of Jordanian and Palestinian Residents to the Israeli Parliament in History Calling on Water Issues to Cease being held Hostage to the Conflict.
On June 21, 2011, Friends of the Earth Middle East arrived to the Knesset early in the morning excited and ready to engage with members of the Knesset and to urge action to be taken to rehabilitate, protect and secure our shared water future. On Knesset Environment Day, FoEME arrived with 42 participants and […]
Water Security in Israel: a joint responsibility of the government and the people
This blog post was contributed by Efrath Silver and Michael Alexander from FoEME’s Tel Aviv office On November 22nd 2010, the ‘Lobby for Water Security in Israel’ was launched at the Knesset, attracting parliamentarians, water experts, activists and concerned residents from all over the country. The inauguration of the lobby coincides with the […]