Reflections of a FoEME Intern

My time at FoEME has come to a close. It’s been an incredible summer. I want to reflect briefly on the work I’ve done here and the lessons I’ve taken away. While here I helped with a number of different projects. The one that took up most of time concerned measuring pollution risk to the […]

Exploring Energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine: Part 3

This is the third blog in a series of three, which explore issues of energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. This entry was written by Chelsea McDaniel, FoEME intern at the Bethlehem Office. Part way through writing this blog, the power suddenly went out in our office—for the second time this week. Power outages haven’t […]

Exploring Energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine: Part 2

This is the second blog in a series of three, which explore issues of energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. This entry was written by Shannon McGowan, FoEME intern at the Amman Office and studies International Environmental Policy at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.   Jordan faces multiple challenges within the energy sector, including […]

Exploring Energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine: Part 1

This is the first blog in a series of three, which explore issues of energy in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. This entry was written by Daniel Olson, FoEME intern at the Tel Aviv Office and a senior Environmental Studies major at Yale University. When it comes to renewable energy use, some may see Israel as […]

Welcome to Auja Environmental Center

Recently I had the pleasure of spending several days at the Auja Environmental Center in Al Auja, Palestine.   FoEME has developed two pilot environmental centers in the Lower Jordan River Basin.  Both centers, the Auja Environmental Center and the Sharhabil Bin Hassneh EcoPark provide wonderful opportunities to escape urbanity, learn about the local ecology, breathe in fresh air, […]

Do They Think We Are Idiots? We All Know Dead Sea Works is Destroying the Dead Sea

Over the past few weeks, Dead Sea Works (DSW) has saturated Israeli media outlets with a misinformation campaign in ads, on the Internet, television, newspapers, and billboards all over the country claiming that the “Dead Sea Works brings life to the Dead Sea” when in fact they are directly responsible for its destruction.

It’s Hard to Hear the Truth about Water

On July 5th and 6th, FoEME participated in the annual CleanTech exhibition in Tel Aviv. Representatives from all three offices were at the exhibition, including FoEME staff and adult Good Water Neighbor residents. It was exciting for us to learn about all of the clean products and services available in Israel. Though our booth was […]