Palestinian and Israeli residents call for immediate action at Hebron-Besor river basin

[youtube=] On August 9, 2010 Friends of the Earth Middle East co-organized a study tour with the Hebron-Be’er Sheva-HaBesor river coalition, a resident’s coalition that FoEME helped create. The river basin covers the area between Hebron in the West Bank, the western Negev and continues into the Gaza Strip, ending at the Mediterranean Sea. The […]

FoEME Strategy proves successful in addressing Sewage Spill at Beitar Elit

Several years of active involvement by Friends of the Earth Middle East in combating a sewage spill at the Israeli settlement of Beitar Elit finally seem to pay off. The spill, which is caused by failure in the local sewage pumping station, has major consequences for the environment and in particular the downhill fields of […]

GWN Communities Wadi Fuqin and Tzur Hadassah Join to Oppose Separation Barrier

Israeli-Palestinian musical group “Naam” performs at a cross-border meeting between residents of Wadi Fuqin and Tzur Hadassah Netanel Silverman, FoEME’s Israeli Community Coordinator in Tzur Hadassah, reflects on a recent meeting between Good Water Neighbors communities Tzur Hadassah and Wadi Fuqin. On Wednesday 24.2 we met together – the Jewish residents of Tzur Hadassah and […]

Jordan Valley Youth Leaderships Learn about Jordan River Woes

Students from Israel, Jordan, and Palestine tour the Jordan Valley, exploring the site where the Jordan River meets the Sea of Galilee On February 25-27, FoEME gathered 30 young leaders from three schools in the Jordan Valley region (Kings Academy, Madaba Jordan; Terra Sancta, Jericho  Palestine; Geon Hayarden, Beit Shean Israel), to learn about the […]

FoEME’s CGIS Teenagers Take Responsibility for their Shared Environment

CGIS youth present their findings at a joint Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian camp. “I learned that you can cooperate with other people, even when there isn’t a common language and that a lot can be achieved if only we try.” — Hani, a 15 year old Palestinian boy responding to a CGIS activity evaluation question ‘What is the […]