Lessons from Australia for the lower Jordan River (Chris Hammer Series, Part 1 of 3)

Chris Hammer is a journalist and expert on Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin. This three-part blog series explores lessons learned from his visit, particularly parallels between Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin rehabilitation and FoEME’s efforts to rehabilitate the Lower Jordan River.  FoEME’s Israeli director Gidon Bromberg, was originally published by Jerusalem Post on March 28th, 2012. On a family visit to Australia […]

Sinkholes and the Sinking Level of the Dead Sea

In the past few decades sinkholes have permeated the area around the Dead Sea. The eruption of these large cavities has undeniably become a serious issue of human and environmental safety which is also tied to the fight to stop the Dead Sea’s shrinkage.

FoEME’s new groundwater project for the Mediterranean Basin

In November 2011 a new project for protecting groundwater in the Mediterranean Basin was established. For the new project, FoEME is teaming up the province of Malaga, Spain in order to promote sustainable groundwater resources in the Mediterranean Basin. The project is funded by the European Commission’s ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument).

A Tour in Battir: Conservation and management of a cultural landscape

On February 11th, FoEME staff, field researchers, UNESCO experts and local environmentalist came together to discuss and get to know the unique cultural heritage landscape of the Palestinian village Battir. The activist tour was led by members of the Battir Landscape Ecomuseum Project. Photo 1: FoEME staff and local activists

“Throwaway societies” and the threat to future water supplies

In its daily production and consumption of goods and services, society generates wastes. This waste must be disposed of, often at locations other than where they were generated. Wastes are discharged into atmosphere, into surface and groundwater courses, and on the land. The enlightened communities of the world see a very clear sign to a […]