FoEME’s Eco Center in Auja officially opened

This blog post was contributed by Fadi, who works in FoEME’s Bethlehem office. On the 17th of October 2010, Friends of the Earth Middle East celebrated the first official day for its Al Auja Eco Center. A great celebration marked the opening of the center and coincided with the celebration of ´Jericho 10,000´, the celebration […]

FoEME films Water Trustees in the Jordan Valley

This blog post was contributed by Tamar Ariel, FoEME intern at our Tel Aviv office. On Tuesday September 21, 2010 Friends of Earth Middle East began filming in the Jordan Valley for a short educational movie it is creating about its activities, goals, and successes in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan. Filming will also take place […]

Jordanian girls on summer camp at FoEME’s EcoPark

This post was contributed by Amany Mansour, FoEME’s GIS and youth coordinator at the Amman office On the 1st of August 2010 a large group of Jordanian girls arrive to the Sharbabil Bin Hassneh EcoPark. They come from eight different Good Water Neighbors communities across the Jordan Valley, to participate in the first of a […]

Laying the groundwork for the Jordan Valley Environmental Education Center in Auja

FoEME is working on an exciting new initiative to establish an environmental education center in the Palestinian village of Auja focusing on water resource education, grey water irrigation and a wide range of environmental conservation measures. The center will run education activities for youth and adults from all across the West Bank, providing tools to […]