Economic Investments

Creating Economic Opportunities and Investments for Peacebuilding:
Regional Environmentally Sustainable Investments in the Jordan Valley

The Jordan Valley is a shared regional resource,
under great pressure

Divided by borders and political tensions, and affected by competition over scarce water, the region suffers from economic hardship.

Impacted by the environmental demise of the Jordan River, and the impact of climate change, the region is in dire need of investment and development.

Through our Jordan Valley Master Plan we have shown how the region is a rare, untapped, economic jewel.

We are committed to the sustainable development of the regional Jordan Valley, which provides a unique opportunity for the private sector. Entrepreneurs from the region are collaborating with us to identify profitable business opportunities that also have a potential for significant positive impact on livelihoods in the Jordan Valley region.

EcoPeace Contribution

Support initiatives with feasibility and business case studies in our fields of work

Drive pilot projects to encourage private investment and local businesses’ follow up

Provide a liaison for the private sector in the relevant countries

Open doors and efficient procedures for the private sector

Facilitate and promote projects to impact investment in the region

Reduce barriers and risks

Some of our projects

We’re currently promoting regional and national projects in our fields:


Protein production


Recycled handicraft workshops, educational parks

Renewable Energy

Solar and wind projects


Environmentally sustainable aquaculture, farmers’ hub


Date palm frond recycling, plastic recycling

Interested to hear more about our projects, or meet the entrepreneurs?

Please contact us for further information on our projects: