Lend your voice and demand action from government leaders.
The dead sea
is dying
The iconic Dead Sea, a unique salt-lake, is the lowest point on the surface of the planet, but is dropping by more than 1 meter every year. The Dead Sea region is internationally known for its unique geological, biological, and cultural value.
The Dead Sea waters, rich in a wide variety of minerals, are famous for their therapeutic qualities and the wetlands surrounding the Sea are blessed with unique flora and fauna.
Since 1960, the Dead Sea has lost over 1/3 of its surface area, the sea level having dropped over 37 metres. It continues to drop by over 1 meter per year, causing land-subsidence sinkholes and other irreversible damages.
There is still hope, but public pressure
must be brought to bear on leaders now
We are urging action in 3 key areas:

Heritage Site

Rehabilitaion Plan

Public Trust
On the Israeli side, the renewal of the concession for mineral extraction post 2030 is up for renewal. This is the opportunity for the Israeli government, led by the Environment Minister, to declare a public trust obligation on any company that would be awarded a new concession to extract Dead Sea minerals.