Earth Day 2015 – A Personal Reflection
I have been working at EcoPeace for 9 months and have spent much of that time working on Jordan River projects. I can easily give the elevator pitch: how the Lower Jordan River is flowing at less than 5% of its original flow, how it is a heavily polluted body of water, how the river’s […]
Climate Change and Security: Perspective from FoEME
Climate Change and Security Consultation Amman, Jo For more than a decade, concerns about the main risks posed by climate change in terms of fragility and conflict have haunted the international community. In the Middle East, political turmoil has overshadowed climate change threats; nonetheless, a careful scrutiny of the region easily reveals that many […]
Pesticides harm groundwater in the holy land
In November 2011 a new project for protecting groundwater in the Mediterranean Basin was established by Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME). The “Protecting Groundwater” project aims to promote sustainable management of water resources and alleviate pollution of groundwater in Mediterranean Basins. Groundwater is a very important constituent of Israel´s water supply and so […]
Jordanian Parliamentarians visit the Israeli and Palestinian sides of the Jordan Valley
From March 19th-24th, Their Excellencies Ghazi Musharbash, Ali Malkawi, and Bassam Al Omari joined FoEME staff on a tour of sites along the Lower Jordan River Basin in Israel and Palestine. This visit was a follow-up to the Feb 2nd-4th Transboundary Advocacy of Parliamentarians (TAP) Regional Meeting, where the Jordanian Parliamentarians requested a cross-border visit […]
Baka Gharbiya Students mapping environmental hazards
להלן תמונות מסיור מפגעים סביבתיים שצולמו ע”י נאמני בבקה אל ע’רביה. במסגרת פרויקט “מים ושכנות טובה” תלמידים מאתרים וממפים מפגעים סביבתיים המסכנים מקורות מים בקהילתם. התמונות מקושרות למפה שהתלמידים יוצרים באמצעות מערכות מידע גיאוגרפיות (GIS) ולאחר מכן הם מגישים את ממצאיהם למועצה המקומית, על מנת לקדם פתרונות לסביבה בריאה יותר
Emek Hefer Students mapping environmental hazards
להלן תמונות מסיור מפגעים סביבתיים שצולמו ע”י נאמני מים מבי”ס רמות חפר. במסגרת פרויקט “מים ושכנות טובה” תלמידים מאתרים וממפים מפגעים סביבתיים המסכנים מקורות מים בקהילתם. התמונות מקושרות למפה שהתלמידים יוצרים באמצעות מערכות מידע גיאוגרפיות (GIS) ולאחר מכן הם מגישים את ממצאיהם למועצה המקומית, על מנת לקדם פתרונות לסביבה בריאה יותר
جر المياه من أجل اعمار بيئي
جمعية أصدقاء الأرض- عبير الجمّال من أجل توفير المياه في المناطق التي تعمل على تشجيرها, قامت جمعية أصدقاء الأرض بجر المياه في 15 يناير2012 في منتزه شرحبيل بن حسنه البيئي المتواجد في طبقة فحل. بناءا على ذلك, قامت الجمعيه بتركيب محطة ضخ للمياه لتزويد قطعة حرجية تابعة لمنطقة دير أبو سعيد تبلغ مساحتها 600 دونم […]
FoEME Cross Border Meeting – Hazard Tour in the area of Tsur Hadassah and Wadi Fukin
On December 22nd, FoEME led a “hazard tour” in the vicinity of 4 Palestinian villages of Wadi Fukin, Batir, Hussan and Nahalin. This area with its many springs developed a unique system of irrigated terraced agriculture based on canals bringing spring waters to pools for irrigating the terraced agricultural fields. The participants of this tour […]
Young Global Leaders visit Eco-park and Bakura
October 2011 saw Jordan hosting the World Economic Forum‘s regional summit at the Dead Sea. Taking advantage of this, a group of Young Global Leaders (YGLs) – one of the WEF’s leading communities – partnered with FoEME in organising a ‘Learning Journey’ for YGLs to learn more about regional environmental peacebuilding efforts. Such ‘Learning Journeys’ […]
Al Auja: Experiencing Palestine’s multifaceted cultural, environmental and political issues
Teresa Berninger spent three months as an intern at FoEME Auja Environmental Center. Here is her entry to the International Ecotourism Society titled “Al Auja: Experiencing Palestine’s multifaceted cultural, environmental and political issues”. Scouting new trails for ecotourists