Jordan Flirts with Nuclear Energy, Though Process Remains Opaque

One year after Fukushima’s warning to the world, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan moves ever closer to the construction of a nuclear energy power plant. Jordan’s King Abdullah recently returned from a nuclear power summit in South Korea where, according to King Abdullah’s press release, he engaged in talks “in line with Jordan’s compliance and […]

Sinkholes and the Sinking Level of the Dead Sea

In the past few decades sinkholes have permeated the area around the Dead Sea. The eruption of these large cavities has undeniably become a serious issue of human and environmental safety which is also tied to the fight to stop the Dead Sea’s shrinkage.

FoEME’s new groundwater project for the Mediterranean Basin

In November 2011 a new project for protecting groundwater in the Mediterranean Basin was established. For the new project, FoEME is teaming up the province of Malaga, Spain in order to promote sustainable groundwater resources in the Mediterranean Basin. The project is funded by the European Commission’s ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument).

A Tour in Battir: Conservation and management of a cultural landscape

On February 11th, FoEME staff, field researchers, UNESCO experts and local environmentalist came together to discuss and get to know the unique cultural heritage landscape of the Palestinian village Battir. The activist tour was led by members of the Battir Landscape Ecomuseum Project. Photo 1: FoEME staff and local activists

منتزه الأمير هاشم – الكريمة

قامت جمعية أصدقاء الأرض الشرق الأوسط بتطوير متنزه الأمير هاشم في منطقة الكريمة بالتعاون مع بلدية شرحبيل بن حسنة. بناءا على ذلك قامت جمعية أصدقاء الأرض بعمل مخطط للموقع و عملت على تحديد الأعمال الواجب عملها  من أجل تطوير المتنزه. احدى هذه الأعمال هو بناء شبكة المياه الرمادية للمنطقة. من خلال بحث أجرته الجمعية , […]

Israeli Minister of Environmental Protection Gilad Erdan and Palestinian Minister of Water Dr. Shaddad Attilli Agreed on the Need to Reexamine the Operation and Structure of the Joint Water Committee

A heated discussion took place on Israeli Palestinian water issues today (Tuesday, December 13) at the Ashdod Sustainability Conference between the Israeli Minister of Environmental Protection, Gilad Erdan, and the Palestinian Minister of Water, Dr. Shaddad Attilli. This was the first time the Ministers met in Israel publicly to discuss issues in dispute between Israelis […]