GWN Youth Camp 2013!

Friends of the Earth Middle East’s Yearly Youth Camp As part of FoEME’s Good Water Neighbors youth program, yearly camps are organized that bring together youth from neighboring communities from Jordan, Palestine, and Israel to learn about their shared environment. This year, the camp was held in Alon Tavor Field School at the foot of […]

Pesticides harm groundwater in the holy land

In November 2011 a new project for protecting groundwater in the Mediterranean Basin was established by Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME). The “Protecting Groundwater” project aims to promote sustainable management of water resources and alleviate pollution of groundwater in Mediterranean Basins. Groundwater is a very important constituent of Israel´s water supply and so […]

Climate Change in Palestine

Citing concerns over food and water security, President Obama recently drew the link between climate change and security in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. In an area where tensions over scarce resources are already high, the impacts of climate change could exacerbate existing political strife. So it’s no surprise that Israel, Palestine, and Jordan […]