Close encounters of the FoEME kind: GWN Youth Camps are set in motion!

Following the Regional Community Coordinators’ meeting in Jordan at FoEME’s SHE Eco-Park, and after weeks of careful planning, this year’s Good Water Neighbours Youth Camps were launched into existence on the weekend of January 16, 2014. The community groups travelled and divided into three locations: Beit Alpha (in the Spring Valley region), Baqa-Gharbia-Jat (near Wadi […]

A Warm Welcome to Water Challenges: Reflections from the Sakhnin Conference

Daniella Aboody, FoEME Protecting Groundwater Project Intern, Reflects on her experience at the “The Challenges of Water and Wastewater Treatment in Rural Areas” Conference in Sakhnin.  On Tuesday, January 14, I had the privilege to attend a conference titled “The Challenges of Water and Wastewater Treatment in Rural Areas.” It was put on by two […]

TRUST WIN (Women’s Interfaith Network) Reflects on Jordan River Conference

On Nov 10 – 12, I represented the TRUST WIN  (Women’s Interfaith Network) at the FoEME – Friends of the Earth Middle East Conference “Rehabilitation of the Jordan River: A Commitment of Faith”  held at the Dead Sea in Jordan.  Over one hundred Israeli, Palestinian, Jordanian and internationals gathered to learn about and support the rehabilitation of […]

Swedish Minister Concludes a Visit to the Mouth of the Jordan River and South Shuna

Amman, December, 3rd The Swedish Minister for the International Development Cooperation Ministry, Ms., Hillevi Engstrom, along with the Swedish Ambassadress Mrs., Helena Gröndahl Rietz, Second Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission Mr., Mikael Staaf, and Regional Water Resources Director for the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency  (SIDA) Mr., Anders Jägerskog concluded a visit to the […]

“Water Can No Longer Wait” Declares FoEME at its Annual Good Water Neighbors Conference

An exceptional regional conference was held last week on November 13-14 in Herzliya by EcoPeace / Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME). The event was held in the framework of FoEME’s renowned “Good Water Neighbors” (GWN) project, a grassroots environmental peace building project that, for over a decade, has been bringing together community members […]

GIS Youth Workshops: A Continuing Success Story

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. This system is valuable for the environment as it allows for the identification of hazardous locations which subsequently facilitates the introduction of solutions.

World Tourism Day

Endowed with a rich history where by civilizations intersected, cultures met, and history was formed magnificently with traces still standing majestically in every corner is the case of Jordan. Located at the heart of the Middle East, Jordan presents an important travelling destination to tourists from across the globe.  For this reason, the government initiated […]

International Gathering on Saving Drying Lakes

Burdur, Turkey 16-19 0f September The increasing number of drying lakes world wide raises many concerns and calls for immediate action to end this alarming phenomenon. This phenomenon is exacerbated by human activities that pose a possible irreversible threat to the environment in general and the flora and fauna of the region in particular.