
Regional Youth camp at SHE

By: Ecopeace Middle East
April 5, 2017


A three-day youth camp has been held at SHE between 30 March and 1 April as an activity related to the MEDFORVAL project. The camp’s participants were from Jordan, Palestine and Israel and it included a workshop on biodiversity and its impact on the environment.

After a brief explanation of the camp rules, participants engaged in an “ice-breaking game” followed by a video on forestation and biodiversity. The first day ended with designing a slogan emphasizing the need to protect the environment.

Photo for the blog

On the second day, the participants were divided into five groups, each with certain tasks. The tasks focused on biodiversity and vegetation in Jordan through tours around the park and educational exercises. The final activity of the second day was related to environmental sustainability and aimed at helping participants to recognize its importance and magnitude.

The main activity of the last day was about solid waste management. Students were asked to help clean the EcoPark and to separate solid waste to be collected at a later stage for recycling.

The camp ended with a feedback session asking participants to explain what they learned, and to share their suggestions for future camps.

Written by: Jumana Al-Bakheet


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