News & Current Affairs

PGW Film Screening

By: Ecopeace Middle East
April 17, 2014

Amman, Jo


Friends of the Earth Middle East “FoEME” held a workshop that included film screening a documentary about Protecting Ground Water Project “PGW” on the 2nd of April, 2014. 
002The project was established in November, 2011 in order to promote sustainable groundwater resources in the Mediterranean Basin. The Project that is funded by the European Commission’s ENPI has worked municipalities in 7 communities from the Jordan Valley including Khaled  Ben Alwalid, Muath Ben Jabal, Tabakat Fahal, Sharhabil Ben Hassneh, Deir Allah, Mid and Southern Shouneh.  These communities suffer from extreme poverty manifested in all forms of life. The most detrimental however, is the lack of a sewage system which prompts locals to disposing of sewage in ways that directly affect underground water. Not only, does this practice pose a health hazard, but it also endangers underground water as the sewage leeks and pollutes these limited water resources.


The workshop organized by Ms., Suha Alnajar, PGW project Coordinator commenced with a speech made by Mr. Munqeth Mehyar FoEMEs Jordanian Director where he talked about the different projects undertaken by the 040organization.  His Excellency Saed Abu Hamur, Jordan Valley Authority elaborated on the critical situation of Underground Water and the need to find immediate solutions.  On his turn, Mr., Baha Afaneh spoke about the measure FoEME has undertaken in this regard which included, Improving technical and administrative skills in selected local municipalities and  Promoting joint awareness campaigns on common challenges regarding the pollution of groundwater across the Mediterranean Basin. He added that FoEME has resorted to monitoring and Mapping Hazards and used the maps created as instrument to Support Decision Makers.  The workshop concluded with a speech made by Engineer Hani Hijazi whereby he elaborated   on Implementation plans to be applied in municipalities, discussed the means and the intended purposes.


044The workshop that was attended by fifty representatives from government agencies, embassies, and municipalities was beneficial as it highlighted the critical water situation in Jordan and included useful discussions between attendees and decision makers. It also encouraged attendees to play a more active role in protecting ground water by attending the upcoming activities related to the Project.



This post is contributed by Samar M. Salma, FoEMEs Media Officer/ PR & Projects Coordinator at the Amman Office.


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