News & Current Affairs

Friends of the Earth Middle East Launches a Faith Based Campaign to Save the Jordan River

By: Ecopeace Middle East
November 16, 2013

547November 10, 2013

Amman, Jo – In its efforts to preserve and rehabilitate the Jordan River, Friends of the Earth Middle East “FoEME” launches a Faith based campaign that aims at tying the river’s religious significance to the importance of its environmental preservation. The Jordan River conference is part of a rehabilitation project for the Jordan River funded by Swedish International Development Corporation Agency “SIDA” and OSPREY Foundation. The campaign was launched in a conference dubbed “Rehabilitation of the Jordan River: A Commitment of Faith” that took place from the 10th of November until the 12th in Crown Plaza, Dead Sea.

1456623_10152051183221565_2069764031_nThe Faith based campaign will garner the support of religious figures to speak and advocate for the River in their congregations. The toolkits produced aim at advancing awareness and understanding of the problems facing the river and its potential rehabilitation. It is worth noting that the Jordan River, holy in Abrahamic faiths, is in a constant state of decline due to diversion, pollution, and climate change.

The campaign will also target tourism agencies for faith-based groups visiting the Lower JR valley to encourage discussion on the river’s state and its possible rehabilitation.

For more information about the conference contact FoEME’s Media Officer & Project Coordinator for the Rehabilitation of the Jordan River Samar M. Salma at

Or by calling the following number 0798100418.

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