This is the fifth blog of a series of blogs, which explore issues of water demand management in Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian territories, looking at water saving options in the domestic and agricultural sector. This entry about domestic water demand management in the Palestinian territories was written by Laura Meems, FoEME intern at the Amman office.
The water supply in the Palestinian Territories, similarly to Jordan, is significantly less than it is in many other countries around the world. For this reason, FoEME conducted an economic analysis of policy opportunities to save and produce water to provide decision makers and the public with tools to create strategic water savings.
The main sources of water in the Palestinian Territories are surface and groundwater. In the coming years the population will grow and since the groundwater is shrinking, less water will be available for these people. Thus, it is time for action now!
FoEME‘s study identified the repair and replacement of water infrastructure to reduce network loss as one of the most effective ways to save water in the Palestinian Territories. Defective water pipes cause substantial water loss – estimated at almost 35% of the total water supply. The partial upgrading of water conveyance infrastructure will allow reduction of losses by 25%, which results savings up to 12 MCM per year!
Other options to reduce domestic water consumption include the widespread adoption of double flush toilets. Users would save 35-40% of the normal flush or 21 MCM every year. Have a look at our blog entry ‘Double Flush Toilets: Saving Water One Flush at a Time’ to learn more.
Furthermore, it is possible to save water by collecting rainwater from your roof for watering plants and cleaning the house. If everybody adopts this measure, it will save 9 MCM every year.
Improving the water infrastructure can be seen as the main issue to be tackled for a proper water demand management in the Palestinian Territories. But also every little behavioral change in favor of responsible water use is progressive and sustainable for the environment and helps counting every drop of water in this water stressed region!
– For more information about this subject see FoEME‘s Lower Jordan River Rehabilitation Project Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for Palestine (OPT).